How Do I Know When My Roof Needs to be Replaced?

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How Do I Know When My Roof Needs to be Replaced?

How often should you replace your roof? This is one of those passing questions that most homeowners don’t really think about until a problem occurs.

Roofs don’t have to show any extreme or serious physical distress before it requires repairs. Most of the time, the underlying problems are lurking in those parts that are not visible to the eyes. This is why it is important to watch out for the common telltale signs that you need to replace your roof soon, whether that be your flat roof or pitched roof.

Visible Indicators

These visible indicators are those problems that your eyes can see and those that you can identify with just a quick glance and close inspection. Damages to exposed building materials and damages are clear signs that you should replace your roof soon. Aged and curled shingles that start to cave in can save you from the guesswork.

However, these problems don’t always mean that you should contact a roofer. There are a few things you can consider:

  • Bald Spots

A bald appearance can occur when the shingles have missing shingles. This bald appearance is easy to recognize and looks unsightly. However, what matters more is the problem that there is less protection for the underlying area that makes it more prone to wear and tear.

  • Mold or Moss

Mold and most are vegetation you can often find on roofing systems. Homeowners often pay very little attention since it gives their home a unique aesthetic. Unfortunately, mold and moss can put pressure between the roofing materials exposing the underlying materials to Mother Nature and her destructive effects.

  • Rust or Cracks

Cracking is another telltale sign that your roofing material already reached the last leg of its life. These cracks occur due to exposure to cold and heat or because of debris. The metal roofs are prone to rust in spite of their coating. The damage can speed up based on your location and the climate in your area.

  • Patchiness

Inspect your roof and look for patches and missing shingles. Areas with missing shingles can create exposure to weather as well as potential entry points for insects and dubious critters. A small leak due to missing shingles can result to more serious damage to the structure because of rot and moisture. Patch jobs are often bothersome since these don’t permanently solve the issue.


  • Sagging

Water retention indicates sagging. It is not a good idea to guesstimate the stability of a sagging roof. Immediate action is necessary since sagging may men that the foundation and roofing materials are already falling apart.

Empire Roofing Bath

Additional Indicators

Other indicators that you need to replace your roof soon are those found through documentation. These can include the records of inspections and renovations of the previous owner. However, these items might not be available so there might be a need for guesswork to determine the following indicators:

  • High Energy Bills

Electric bills that show an alarming spike compared to the past years might reveal issues with your roof. Your home will have a hard time maintaining the thermostat’s set temperature if there are existing openings and cracks.

  • Age

How old is your roof? Roofs can last for years but it doesn’t guarantee that yours is still structurally sound. An access to mortgage records or roof inspection can tell you the age of your system.

Watch out for these signs so you can replace your roof before it gets too late!